+31 10 415 74 88


Rivo Slagboom
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Rivo  Slagboom

Overview company and bank details

Company details

Name: S-Trucks B.V.
Street: Polderweg 74
Zip code: 3125 KE
City: Schiedam
County: the Netherlands
Chamber of Commerce 78197953
VAT-number: NL861299280B01


Bank details

Bank name: ING BANK
Street: Rotterdamsedijk 302
Zip code: 3112 BT
City: Schiedam
Country: the Netherlands
Account name: S-Trucks B.V.
IBAN number: NL51INGB0008457017


NOTICE! Always refer to our reference number or invoice number when you make a payment.
WARNING! Prevent Internet Fraud!

Always check our bank account number on our website before transferring money. We or our employees will never ask you to make a payment to a different bank account number than the bank account number which is mentioned on our website.
If someone asks you to transfer money to a different bank account number, please always contact us by phone before you transfer the money.